Play to your Strengths people!

I don’t know about you, but I’m growing tired of all of the negativity and hateful rhetoric on the news, online, basically everywhere these days. It seems that the loudest, most negative voices are the ones that get the most press. Here’s the thing…we can counter it with voices of hope, positiveness and change. One way to do that is to understand what your unique strengths are and approach things from a place of positivity, not fear and insecurity.

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Ciara Gogan

I’ve spent much of the last week interviewing people who want to make positive changes in the world. Their ideas are wide and varied and I was blown away by that. You see, I, like many others (I suspect), have their own ideas about what “changing the world” means and we can’t imagine all of the ways that others are thinking of. Here’s what I believe… we all have an idea, or many ideas, of how the world could be better. Some of us act on those ideas (thank you!), and some of us don’t. We don’t for many reasons, this article outlines a few, then provides info & action!

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Ciara Gogan
Am I still Authentic if I dye my hair?

I’m sitting at the hairdressers as I write this, head covered in red goop, & it got me thinking about this question. Authenticity is a hot topic these days. Adam Grant wrote an article about being “too authentic” and how, in his opinion, it may stunt your career growth. Brené Brown wrote a response, as Adam had invoked an edited version of her definition of authenticity in his article. For the record, I’m on Brené’s side of this debate. I believe we should all strive to be our authentic selves! But, does dyeing my hair make me less authentic?

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Ciara Gogan

Hate is a powerful emotion. It causes people to do things that most of us can’t imagine anyone doing. How does someone become so hateful that they feel it’s OK to walk into a club, a cinema, an office, a school, a market place, a marathon, and kill random strangers, or ex-coworkers, or kids! I don’t have an answer to this question, I truly can’t imagine what would drive someone to such a place in their minds. I’m glad I can’t imagine…I don’t want that amount of darkness in my mind.

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Ciara Gogan
Finding Gratitude

This week I have the unbelievable good fortune to, once again, be spending a week on Martha’s Vineyard. We have a timeshare in Edgartown. When I tell people this, I almost immediately feel the need to explain that it’s just a small hotel-like room with a bathroom. I do this by way of an apology…because I feel guilty, or feel that people will think that I’m bragging.

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Ciara Gogan
"You're very hard on yourself"

My coach spoke those words to me about a year ago...I was puzzled. I really didn't know what she was talking about. Me, hard on myself? No way...I was just realistic, I knew my limitations, I had a healthy understanding of what I could and couldn't do. "Why do you think I am hard on myself, what do you hear me say that makes you thing that?" I asked. The answer was surprising to me.

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Ciara Gogan
Speaking Up & other lessons learned…

Natural Gifts. We all have them, and they are as wide and varied as we are. The challenge, and fun, is learning what yours are and how you can apply them. To identify what you gifts are, think about the things that, when you do them, they come effortlessly to you, and you are really engaged!

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Ciara Gogan
A Journey of a different kind...

Sunday, September 13th 2015, a cool, damp morning…perfect for a 5k! This year, I participated in the Jeff Coombs Memorial Road Race. This organization was founded by the wife and family of Jeff, who was on Flight 11 on 9/11/2001. They founded it two short months after that terrible day. They had received such an outpouring of support from their community, they wanted to pay it forward…and do they ever!

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Ciara Gogan
The Road, First Steps...

It’s said that every journey starts with a single step. The first step can be a physical one, like stepping out the door to a new adventure, or it can be an abstract, nonphysical step, like signing up for a class. Any type of journey can have an impact on you. It can reveal you to yourself if you let it.

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Ciara Gogan
Sunshine and Possibilities

As I'm writing this, I am sitting outside on a beautiful summer day...warm and sunny with the scent of fresh-cut grass wafting in the air. I just had an epiphany, how lucky am I that I get to do this, here, in this wonderful place at this exciting time in my life! I'm exploring coaching as my next chapter. Truth be told, I've been coaching people in one way or another for most of my life, I just didn't have the label to put on it.

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Ciara Gogan

Several months ago, I found myself in a quandary...I was searching for something, I didn't know what but I knew I needed help. I came across, and signed up for, a Teleclass, "Exploring Your Life's Mission", that sounded like just the ticket! It was a four week, one night per week class and I was all in! We spent the time discussing who we really were at our core, what we wanted from life and, how to get it! ...Fabulous stuff.

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Ciara Gogan